This skill is emblematic of the remarkable adaptability and resourcefulness that Vagabonds possess, interconnected to their deep understanding of the world. It represents an innate ability the could use to navigate diverse and challenging circumstances. In other words, this ability may be used to leverage their life experiences and adaptability to overcome a challenging situation. Specifically, this ability may be used in two different ways.

The first one, known as Adaptive Knowledge, grants a Vagabond, proficient in a Universal Competence (except manufacturing-related skills), the chance to overcome a failed test. This mechanism is designed to reflect the character's capacity to tackle and surmount challenges through determination, without altering the initial failure but offering a pathway to eventual success.

The second one, known as Adaptive Tactics, enables a Vagabond to mimic combat techniques observed during a battle. In other words, it allows the Vagabond to strategically learn and replicate either general or special combat techniques performed by adjacent allies or foes. This skill emphasizes the Vagabond's adaptability and ability to quickly learn from their surroundings, providing a tactical edge by integrating observed tactics into their combat repertoire.

Adaptive Knowledge

When a Vagabond, having acquired expertise in a Universal Competence (excluding those of a manufacturing nature, which involve crafting various items through labor), attempts a test to verify if it has been successfuly used and fails, they can try to succeed in any case using this ability. To use this ability using this methods a Vagabond must possess a Tenacity score of at least 30.

This method of using this ability is modified by the score that the Vagabond has in Tenacity as follows:

Tenacity Score Modifier Tenacity Score Modifier
30 -18% 65 +3%
35 -15% 70 +6%
40 -12% 75 +9%
45 -9% 80 +12%
50 -6% 85 +15%
55 -3% 90 +18%
60 None 95+ +21%

It's important to note, however, that this skill doesn't grant the Vagabond influence over tests where they've critically failed. Additionally, it cannot be utilized if the Vagabond has already re-rolled the test to determine the success of the Universal Competence.

A successful test in this ability signifies the Vagabond's succeeded in the use of the Universal Competence, while a failed attempt yields no effect.

It's worth emphasizing that utilizing this skill isn't an action in itself but rather a manifestation of the Vagabond's ability to surmount complex challenges seamlessly, integrating within the action intended for the Universal Competence without additional time or action expenditure.

However, the Vagabond has to make the decision to employ this skill only after confirming the failure of the initial test in the Universal Competence. Once this skill is activated, the Vagabond can't alter the original failed test, though, within the rules, they may modify (via Fate Points) or attempt to repeat (via Divine Points) solely the roll to determine the success of this ability.

Now, when the Vagabond engages in a test using this skill, certain modifiers come into play. In particular, the modifiers that dictate the success of this skill test include:

- A cumulative penalty of -2% for each point of failure in the Universal Competence test, accounting for every possible modifier, including unsuccessful fate point usage. This penalty stacks, reflecting the Vagabond's need to compensate for each failure point. For instance, if a Vagabond fails a test for a Universal Competence of four points, the cumulative penalty totals -20% (-2% for the first point, -4% for the second, -6% for the third, and -8% for the fourth).

- A cumulative penalty of -10% if, within the past 24 hours, the Vagabond has attempted to use this skill to overcome a test related to a Universal Competence, regardless of the outcome. This penalty resets only after a full 24-hour period elapses since the last utilization. If the Vagabond employs this skill before the 24-hour mark, they must not only apply the cumulative penalty but also restart the 24-hour countdown for penalty nullification.

Adaptive Tactics

The second method of utilizing this ability revolves around the Vagabond's unique talent for discerning and replicating combat techniques observed in battles. Amidst the chaos of combat, the Vagabond strategically positions themselves adjacent to either an ally or foe who employs specific combat maneuvers, whether they be standard strikes or specialized techniques. In essence, they have the ability to mirror these actions. To use this ability using this methods a Vagabond must possess an Observation score of at least 30.

This part of this ability is modified by the score that the Vagabond has in Observation as follows:

Observation Score Modifier Observation Score Modifier
30 -18% 65 +3%
35 -15% 70 +6%
40 -12% 75 +9%
45 -9% 80 +12%
50 -6% 85 +15%
55 -3% 90 +18%
60 None 95+ +21%

Here's how it works in practice. At the end of a combat round, after witnessing the use of a general or special combat techniques by an enemy or ally, who is occupying a position adjacent to the one occupied by the Vagabond, the Vagabond can try to imitate them by passing a skill test related to this ability. Please note that the Vagabond has to occupy the position adjacent to the creature from whom he would like to imitate the combat techniques for the entire round otherwise this skill cannot be used.

Also, it's worth noting that if multiple combat techniques are used, even if by a single creature, the Vagabond can only attempt to replicate those associated with a particular combat technique. For instance, imagine an opponent employing, during the course of the same combat round, both defensive maneuvers, like using twice the general combat techniques "Fighting Defensively" for added protection, and as an offensive tactic, the combined use of the general combat technique "Precise Strike" and special combat technique "Inflict Great Pain". At the end of that combat round, the Vagabond faces a choice: to either try to imitate the defensive tecnique or the aggressive one.

If successful, the Vagabond gains all associated bonuses and effects of the chosen technique.

In order succeed the Vagabond has to pass a test in this ability applying the following modifiers:
- A penalty of -2% for each total base cost in combat points of the techniques used by the imitated creature in that specific scenario (without considering any reductions the opponent may have benefited from), including the cumulative cost due to the accumulation of combat techniques.
- An additional penalty of -4% for each repeated use of the same combat technique.
- A penalty of -8% for each different combat technique used.
- A cumulative penalty of -10% for each subsequent attempt of using this skill in the same combat situation.

For example, let's say it's the first time the Vagabond attempts to use this ability during a certain combat situation. If the Vagabond opts for imitating the defensive stance, he or she will face a total penalty of -20%, considering the base cost of the combat technique used and the repetition penalty (-16% for the base cost of 8 points for the double use of the move "Defensive Fighting", plus a penalty of -4% for accumulating two moves of the same type). Alternatively, where the Vagabond decides to try to emulate the attack technique, it would result in a total penalty of -22% (-16%, 6% for the 3 combat points required by "Precise Strike", 6% for the 3 combat points required by "Inflict Great Pain", and 2% for the cumulative point implied, plus the penalty of -8% for accumulating two moves of different types).

If the test is successful, in the immediate next round, the Vagabond can decide to use the chosen technique compatibly with his or her combat actions and only all the requirements are respected (for example, the Vagabond could emulate the combat technique 'Incapacitating' if he wields a bludgeoning weapon), without needing to spend any combat points to gain this benefit. Please note, however that if the Vagabond would also like to use his or her own combat techniques their cost in combat points will be increased regularly due to the cumulative use of combat techniques implied.

It's important to note that the Vagabond cannot isolate part of the circumstances or individual combat moves used by the creatures they want to imitate but must necessarily mimic them in their entirety. In the previous example, for instance, if Vagabond wants to imitate the defensive techniques, he or she cannot isolate a single use of the combat technique "Defensive Fighting" but must necessarily replicate the overall usage performed by the creature.

Furthermore, considering that the cost in combat points varies depending on the specific circumstances of the creature performing it —such as the combat move "Lethal Attack," which varies depending on the size of the weapon used, or the combat move "Frontal Slash," which costs less when using a longsword — the applicable circumstances for the Vagabond must be considered when calculating the penalties applicable to this test.